Collaborate - Sites
Last weeks Reflection:
I learnt about creating conditional pathways based on the answer selected in Google forms. This was particularly useful for me to gather student voice to find out more about how a student learns best (Visual, Kinesthetic and Auditory) Students Voice form.
I learnt that sharing 'live' is beneficial for caregivers and the community to actually see what is going on in real-time by sharing. I sent an email to our filming club leaders to give them an idea and opportunity of filming the assemblies live. There may be further implications involved, however, this is a work in progress.
I really enjoyed mapping out my maps of all the places I visited in the world!
Things are going well so far!
I am having trouble with my conditional formatting, so need to practice using this more in Google Sheets.
Connecting with Manaiakalani: Vicki
Pedagogy and Kaupapa: Visible Learning
- Visible to the Whanau
- Visible to the students
- Students need to know where they start from and where they are going
- Success in learners - students had the ability to read the teachers mind
- This includes WALTS and the learning and assessment processes:
- Have the default of having this as invisible. So we need to know what doesn't need to be visible?
- By providing sites and Hapara you can not lose it and work can be accessed from anywhere
- Visible to parents and whanau
- Accessible, Available and Advance (Before it is needed and before the deadlines)
- Visible to Teachers using Hapara
- Class Blog to share the learning journey once it has happened
- Hapara was specifically designed for the Malaikalani schools
- Reset student passwords in Hapara and have students logged back into learning in a couple of minutes instead of waiting for I.T.
Manaikalani Class on Air - Great opportunity for teachers to observe other teachers
Teachers can become one of these teachers and applications do go out later on in the year.
Deep Dive: Kerry
Multi-Modal - what we mean when we use this term
An inclusive, differentiated approach to teaching in a digital learning environment
- Peadagogy unerpins the site
- Empowering teachers and students
- feel confient and excited about the students learning
- Opposite to one size fits all
- Creating a multimodal sites - know where the resources are so they can easily navigate
- About establishing routines
- How can we hook them into the learning
Hapara Hot Tips #4: Maria
Explore: Vicki
In our digital bubbles take a look at some multi modal learning Sites from slide 19 onInvestigating websites that are multi-modal sites. I looked at a Science website that looked visually appealing so I decided to explore the content:
- Great images large and clear
- White background
- Looks creative but not messy
- Videos, images and text are accessible to a range of learners who learn best in different ways
- The theme of each site is distinctly personal to the subject and teacher making it easily recognisable when students visit each time. This is the example of the shop front and creating a wow factor!
Other websites have a clear theme, Learn, Create and Share pedagogy. All created in sites and visible to all: (This site has the teacher planning visible to the students as well as the success criteria)
Chalk ‘n Talk: Cheryl
Introduction to Google Sites | Creating a new site from scratch
- Always plan your site
- Must set up your Google Drive
- Store all content in drive in the folder
- Change sharing settings to "Anyone with a link can view"
- Create a Site within a folder
Explore: Vicki
Introducing the work of Angela Moala | MultiText Database
Check out the content and resources teachers are supplying here.
NB: It may be that you have content of your own you would like to add to the database
Learn more about this from WFRC here and more recently here
And a case study from Chrissie at Paihia School.- Malaikalani Innovative teachers | Angela Moala | Troy England...
Good resource for parents: Techtoolkit
Levelling Up (Learner age levels!)
Plan: Site content and layout
Theme: What is the big question you are providing texts to answer?
Use: paper, whiteboard, digital tools, e.g Jamboard, graphic organisers etc
Work in groups to collaborate and share ideas and resources
We have created a selection of groups for you to join - check them out and then add your name here- Jamboard is great for brainstorming and way to collect ideas
- Great for planning our site and what going to want on our front page
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