Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Esports Comp

Kura High Rocket League Competition on 20th August 2022

This past weekend, Kura High hosted its first ever Esports competition for Rocket League on the 20th of August and the whole event was streamed live on Twitch. We had seven teams from all age groups a total of 21 students, from Papakura High, Rosehill College, and Ardmore School. Rosehill students took 1st prize and our students took 2nd and 3rd Prizes of $850 plus some spot prizes for the runners-up. There was a buzz in the hall and the excitement on the student's faces was priceless! In one team there were two girls who won the 3rd prize and had only played the game once! Students got involved in hospitality, Kura high film crew filmed the whole event. Students got involved in shoutcasting (broadcasting their commentary). 

Mr. Singh spent over a year planning this event. Prior to this event, students had already attended two competitions for the Rocket League in Invercargill and Halo Infinite at Armageddon, Auckland.

Well done to our winners and to every team that entered and gave it their best!

The event was a huge success in that it brought young people of all ages together of all ethnicities, cultures, and genders. This is one area esports is accessible to all who participate and attend. This was a community event as we had invited schools from Pukekohe High, Manurewa High, James Cook High, Alfriston College, and Rosehill College to enter. Students from other schools happened to be in the school for their weekly music lessons and heard all about our esports event, so they popped in to experience the atmosphere and see what all the fuss was about!

The students are now keen to help host the next esports competition in term four.